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Funded Services

Clinic Services


Veterans are eligible for exercise physiology services at the consent of your GP.  This exercise prescription can be assisting you in the management of chronic disease/s or post-hospital exercise rehabilitation.  



Some Australians may be eligible for bulk billed exercise physiology services, to aid their health and function.  



Tailored exercise prescription can help keep your body moving and maintain function to improve quality of life and slow the symptoms of your condition.  Exercise physiology can be accessed under the Improved Health and Wellbeing and Improved Daily Living NDIS funding allocations. 



If you have had a workplace incident and require rehabilitation for loss of movement, you may be covered under Workcover.  Exercise physiology intervention can assist in you returning to standard duties and regaining full movement.  You can speak with your case representative to establish your eligibility


Small group exercise 

Small group classes are a great way to ease yourself into the exercise environment and to increase your confidence in doing so.  Our small group classes are capped at either 4, 6 or 8 participants, depending on the class, and are fully supervised by our exercise physiologists.  Bookings are essential. Please call the clinic or visit the book online page. 


1:1 consultations 

All appointments (excluding small group classes) are offered as 1:1 consultations, and can be used to assist with exercise programming, gait analysis, health modification counselling, lung and heart disease management, pre- and post-surgery strengthening or rehabilitation and for pre- and postnatal strengthening.  Our delivery mode is flexible and our staff are excellent at tailoring the consult to assist your individual needs. â€‹


After hours or in-home consultations 

We understand your schedule maybe jam-packed and getting to us during business hours may not be feasible or leaving home may not be an option.  To make sure your care isn't compromised, we offer after hours or home visit consultations.  These are accepted by appointment only.  Please call the clinic to schedule.


Telehealth services

We use software that allows you to be able to chat with us in real time, just like a normal consultation.  With this platform, we are able to prescribe exercise, perform objective tests and assessments to keep you progressing. Just like we would in a face-to-face consultation.​

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